On Monday, September 18, the Neptune Beach City Council approved the FY23-24 budget based on the unchanged millage rate of 3.3656 mills (this is the same millage assessed in FY22-23). The Chief Financial Officer had recommended the City Council approve a slight millage increase of 3.3821 mills and as such, the proposed FY23-24 Budget was prepared based on the increased millage rate.
The total proposed General Fund budget was $9,256,744 with 50% of the General Fund going to pay for Police.
With the adoption of the FY22-23 millage rate of 3.3656 mills, the proposed budget will have to be adjusted to reflect a budget that is $20,000 less than proposed.
You can see the proposed budget that hasn’t been adjusted to reflect the millage rate of 3.3656 mills: PROPOSED NEPTUNE BEACH FY23-24 BUDGET