On July 15 at 7pm, the Jacksonville Beach City Council will be voting on legislation to regulate the 400+ short-term vacation rentals in Jacksonville Beach. It is important to note, the proposed ordinance is NOT banning short term vacation rentals, but rather requiring vacation rentals to register with the city, comply with state life safety requirements, obtain proper state licensing, pay the proper business taxes and tourist development taxes and defines occupancy limits and parking requirements.
For more information about the proposed ordinance: http://www.jacksonvillebeach.org/news/council-workshop-scheduled-proposed-short-term-rental-ordinance.
Citizens are encouraged to provide input to the city council. Please plan to attend the meeting on July 15 or email the city council here: http://www.jacksonvillebeach.org/contact-form/city-council

VRBO Map of Jacksonville Beach vacation rentals