Understand your constitutional right to information in the state of Florida!

Transparency in government is a constitutional right in Florida that is protected by the Sunshine Law and public records law. It is important for citizens to understand these laws so they can ensure their constitutional right is protected.

Andy Miller, Executive Director of the Public Trust Environmental Legal Institute of Florida (www.publictrustlaw.org) in Jacksonville Beach, compiled a presentation on Florida’s Sunshine Law and what every citizen needs to expect from open government.

To learn more, CLICK HERE to see the presentation. (Note: this is a large file, so it will take some time to open.)


First Amendment Foundation:

The First Amendment Foundation believes that government openness and transparency is critical to citizen trust and involvement in our democratic society – without Government in the Sunshine, civic engagement cannot bloom. Through ongoing monitoring of the state’s public records and open meetings laws, and the education of government officials and the citizens they serve about those laws, the Foundation promotes the public’s constitutional right to oversee and to participate in the governance process.

Sunshine Law Manual

Florida Attorney General Sunshine Law Information